Associated Student Body (ASB) » Purchase Orders/Reimbursement Request

Purchase Orders/Reimbursement Request

Please log into your ASB Works account to make sure you have sufficient funds to cover the amount requested in the purchase order prior to submitting. 

1. Fill out this attached PO form and bring it to your club/sports team’s next meeting for approval. All clubs must have meeting minutes with all POs. Meeting minutes can have more than one PO. It is really a good idea to plan ahead and have all POs you know are coming approved as early as possible in the beginning of the year. The meeting minutes template is attached below and hard copies are available in the Business Office. Sports teams are not technically clubs so they do not need to have meeting minutes but are still required to have approved POs before purchases are made.Clubs or teams that cannot adhere to this rule will be subject to disbandment/termination.

2. Have your team captain for sports teams or club leader/president sign the PO under “student club representative”

3. Club advisor must sign the PO

4. Bring the PO with your approved meeting minutes (club only not sports teams) to Ms. Day mail box (yellow folder) in the business office. 

5. Peter will come get the requests weekly and will either approve or deny them. He will then bring them back to the business office and put them in the ASB General mailbox (red folder). 

6. ASB general will come get the POs out of their mailbox once per week prior to their regularly scheduled meetings. Any POs without meeting minutes (club only not sports teams) will automatically be denied by ASB general. ASB general will only approve POs that were approved by Ms. Day. POs denied by Ms. Day will have to be denied by ASB general as well. 

7. ASB General will return the POs (both approved and denied) to the business office and put them in Maryssa's  inbox so she can create the real POs in ASB works. Maryssa will email the club advisor listed on the request once your PO is approved. You may make your purchase after you receive this email. Please do not make purchases prior to getting notice that your PO has been approved. Please try to plan your purchases ahead of time so timing doesn’t become an issue as the process could mean up to a 2 week turn around from when you place your PO Ms. Day’s ASB inbox in the business office to when you can make a purchase or be reimbursed. 

Reimbursement Request

Reimbursements are strongly discouraged and should be used only as an emergency or last resort. Please allow up to 2 weeks for reimbursement approval and check disbursement as all requests for reimbursement must be approved by ASB general.
Personal reimbursements are often highly scrutinized because it is the number one area where fraud occurs in ASB. Additionally, reimbursements are often small amounts, numerous, and time consuming for the bookkeeper. They also make tracking use tax due and other state and federal requirements difficult because vendors are not readily apparent in reports as the person being reimbursed comes up as the vendor. Please keep personal reimbursements to a minimum but if you must submit one please fill out the Reimbursement Request form below and follow the same steps listed for the purchase orders.