Documents » Interdistrict Transfer

Interdistrict Transfer

  • Per Education Code 48980 (h) requirement, Santa Ynez Valley Union High School District
    currently provides comprehensive educational programs for school-age children enrolled
    in grades nine through twelve. These programs are available on a limited basis through
    statutory attendance options to students who reside outside Santa Ynez Valley Union High
    School District boundaries. Additional attendance options as described below are available
    on a limited basis to pupils whose parents or guardians currently reside within the Santa
    Ynez Valley Union High School District's attendance boundaries and to pupils who have
    established residency pursuant to provisions of Education Code 46600.
  • Current local attendance options available to district pupils are as follows:
    Education Code 46600 Interdistrict Attendance: Establishes that two or more school
    districts may enter into an agreement to allow a pupil to attend a district outside the district
    of residence. (Note: At the December 12, 2002 board meeting, the Board of Education took
    action not to accept any new interdistrict transfer students based on Education Code
    48204(3): The additional cost of educating the student exceeds the amount of additional
    State aid received as a result of the transfer).
  • If a pupil's residence is in the Santa Ynez Valley Union High School District and a parent
    wishes to transfer the pupil to a school out of the Santa Ynez Valley Union High School
    District, contact the District Office at (805) 688-6487  ext 3570 for procedures.

Per AB 2826 the District will process requests received 15 or fewer calendar days before the start of instruction in the school year for which the transfer is sought — the “current year” interdistrict transfer request — the district will notify parents of its final decision within 30 calendar days of receiving the request.

On the other hand, for requests received 16 or more calendar days before commencement of instruction in the school year for which the transfer is sought, the district will notify parents as soon as possible, but not later than 14 calendar days after the start of instruction in that school year. 

When an interdistrict transfer is denied, a parent/guardian has a  right to appeal the denial within 30 calendar days to the Santa Barbara County Education Office.
SBCEO Interdistrict Attendance Appeal Guide Click English Spanish
SBCEO Interdistrict Attendance Appeal Form Click English Spanish