Bond Oversight Committee
The Measure K Citizen's Oversight Committee (COC) presented the final audit report to the Board on March 12, 2024. All Measure K funds have been expended.
Thank you for visiting our website and for your interest in the work of the Measure K Citizen’s Oversight Committee (COC). Below are the legal requirements surrounding the need for a COC.
Our district elected to run a “Proposition 39” election for our bond measure campaign. California Proposition 39 was approved by the voters in 2000 and was also known as the “School Facilities Local Vote Act of 2000.” The primary impact of Prop 39 was to reduce the threshold required to pass local California school district bond issues from a two-thirds supermajority vote to a 55% vote. Prop 39 also establishes a variety of accountability requirements. Additionally, the State Legislature also passed AB 1908, which adds additional requirements to school districts conducting school bond election pursuant to Prop 39. One of these is establishing and appointing members to a Citizen’s Oversight Committee as required by Education Code Section 15278. E.C. 15278(b) states the role of the committee: “The purpose of the citizens’ oversight committee shall be to inform the public concerning the expenditure of bond revenues.”
COC’s may engage in any of the following activities:
• Receive and review copies of the annual, independent performance and financial audits
• Inspect school facilities and grounds
• Receive and review copies of any deferred maintenance plans of proposals developed by the district
• Review efforts by the district to maximize bond revenues by implementing cost saving measures
Finally, the committee must issue reports to the public at least once a year. As public bodies, COCs operate in total sunshine and are subject to the Brown Act – all COC proceedings are open to the public and public notice meetings must be posted.
The requirement for a COC provides a good and necessary service to the public that has placed a huge trust in our school district to expend Measure K bond funds according to how we said we would expend them when we filed our original statement with Santa Barbara County. We desire to continue to be transparent and accountable to the taxpayers for the proper handling of their money