Business Services » Budget Committee

Budget Committee

In January of 2022 the Santa Ynez Valley Union High School District formed a Budget Committee to provide a venue for added dialogue and an intersection for the planning processes and financial allocations. The committee was comprised of 2 Classified employee representatives, 2 community members, 2 student representatives, 4 Certificated employee representatives, 2 PTSA representatives, 2 Santa Ynez Valley Union High School District Board of Education members, the Superintendent, and the Business Manager. The committee met 6 times and concluded with recommendations for fiscal priorities for future budget development.
  1. Provide an understanding of the district's budget development process.
  2. Assist district leadership in identifying budget goals and priorities.
  3. Assist district leadership in creating a plan to address the structural deficit.
Past Members
Michelle deWerd, Community Member
Frank Kelsey, Community Member
Natalia Contreras, Student Representative
Shannon Morehouse, Student Representative
Victoria Martinez, Certificated Staff
Rob Cantrell, Certificated Staff
Tad Bixler, Certificated Staff
Lisa Boyer, Certificated Staff
Mariela Medina, Classified Staff
Terry Westfall, Classified Staff
Jennifer Elliott, PTSA
Anastasia Lubke, PTSA
Ness Hamaoui, Parent Representative
Andrew Schwab, Superintendent
Elysia Lewis, Business Manager