Forming New Clubs
The Santa Ynez Valley Union High School District welcomes all new ASB clubs however, there are several formal steps that must be followed. All clubs (also known as trust accounts), with the exception of scholarship accounts, must be composed of students located at that school, formed as outlined in the student council ASB constitution and district governing board’s requirements. Students must play a major role in the club, and each club or class group must have the following:
- A purpose
Regular formal meetings that include approved meeting minutes*
An approved constitution that outlines policies, rules, and operational parameters*
An ASB club advisor*
Elected student officers*
An approved budget*
All expenditures approved in advance by authorized individuals (which individual(s) are authorized depends on whether the organization is organized or unorganized)
Education Code mandates that the club advisor be a certificated employee of the school district in which the ASB resides. All clubs operate under the same regulations and have the same requirements as the student council organization, and clubs will report to the student council.
If a group does not meet the club requirements listed above, it is not a club and should not be accounted for or included in the ASB account. If you believe that your group will meet the requirements listed above, please completed the proposed club form below and submit it to student counsel for processing.